This film is about life during the siege of Leningrad that was conceding the space for death. The editing of the chronicle reconstructs the topology of the city and the plot of the war. This is black smoke, the walls of the city turn into ruins; the city sees through the veil and finds out that the war begins as a deformation of space. This is white smoke, the camera gets used to the dust and sees the corpses; these are human ruins destined to grow together with space, to become blocks of new walls. Hungry puffs of steam rise in the cold air when winter comes; protruding bones, angular unnatural postures – these are deformations of human bodies in a ghost town. When the siege ends, there will be a lot of pyrotechnics. But if sheaves of sparks are the next step of work with smokes and hazes, can the fireworks celebrate anything without leading to the next deformation?
About Director
Sergey Loznitsa was born on the 5th of September, 1964 in the city of Baranovitchi, in Belarus. At that time Belarus was part of the Soviet Union. Later Sergey’s family moved to Kiev, Ukraine, where Sergey finished high school. In 1981 Sergey applied and was admitted to Kiev Polytechnic Institute, with the major in applied mathematic and control systems. In 1987 he graduated with a degree in engineering and mathematics. From 1987 through 1991 Sergey was employed as a scientist at the Institute of Cybernetics. He was involved in the development of expert systems, artificial intelligence, and decision-making processes. In addition to his main job, Sergey worked as a translator from Japanese.
During that time Sergey developed a strong interest in cinematography, and in 1991 he applied to Russian State Institute of Cinematography, in Moscow. After passing a very vigorous selection process, Sergey was admitted to the Institute.
He studied in the studio of Nana Dzhordzhadze.
In 1997 Sergey graduated with honors with the major in movie production and direction. From 2000 he produces works in the Studio of Documentary Films in St.Petersburg. In 2000 he was awarded “Nipkov program” grant in Berlin. In 2001 Sergey immigrated with his wife and two daughters to Germany. Sergey Loznitsa made three full size documentaries and six short stories. Presently Sergey is directing several documentaries and working on new scripts.

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